Reality Of 'Sexual Assault' chat on Snapchat.

Starting  Of The Controversy

Bois Locker Room 

We all know about the recent  infamous 'Bois Locker Room' incident which  has created a storm over the social media.For the unaware, an Instagram group chat by the name “Bois locker room” where a bunch of male students, majority of whom are teenagers from different schools (Yes, schools) shared objectionable pictures of women, including underage girls, objectified them, made “jokes” about their body .

The incident came to light after a teen from South Delhi shared a screenshot over social media to expose the group chats.

She wrote on Twitter, “A group of south delhi guys aged 17-18 types have this ig gc (Instagram group chat) named "boy's locker room" where they shit on, objectify and morph pictures of girls their age. 2 boys from my school are a part of it. MY FRIENDS AND I ARE FREAKING OUT THIS IS SO EWWW AND NOW MY MOM WANTS ME TO QUIT IG.”

A case was registered under section 465 (forgery), 471 (using forged document), 469 (Forgery for purpose of harming reputation), 509 (intending to insult the modesty of any woman) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and 67 and 67A of the Information Technology (IT) Act at cyber cell of Delhi police.

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My Opinion-

They have committed a crime, so they need to be punished for such activities. No one have the rights to disrespect a woman/girl like this. But we also need to think that, punishment is not to destroy their life, but to reform them and make them realise that they have done a big mistake and they should refrain themselves from such activities again. Also because many of them were juvenile, so action must be taken accordingly.
But the main question arrives here, are only boys involved in this controversy? 
In my opinion, it is certainly not. Not only boys, but also girls are involved  in a simillar kind of controversy.

Girls Locker Room:-

Amidst all this, posts regarding a girl’s chat room of a somewhat similar nature, being dubbed as the ‘Girl’s Locker Room” have emerged. Members of this girls-only group are alleged to sexualise and objectify boys and body-shame both boys and girls. Leaked screenshots of the group have been going viral on social media. These posts have sparked a whole new discussion, with netizens arguing that it's not just boys and men, even girls and women are active partakers in perpetuating body-shaming and objectification via sexually explicit remarks. 

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Now questions are being raised if the Delhi Police will act against the girls using obscene language against the boys and if the Delhi Women Commission will issue a statement against the ‘Girls Locker Room’ and direct a notice to the Delhi Police for acting against the concerned girls. I can't say about Police but i am definitely sure DCW won't take action like, it took against the bois locker room. 

An investigation into the ‘Bois Locker Room’ case has revealed that the alleged ‘sexual assault’ conversation on Snapchat between two juveniles was a result of a girl, using a fake profile of a boy, to another boy with an intention to test the ‘values and character’ of the latter, the police said Sunday. 
A screenshot of a one-to-one Snapchat conversation shows a profile with the name — Siddharth — suggesting a plan to the other person to sexually assault a girl,” said Anyesh Roy, Deputy Commissioner of Police (CyPAD).

Probe revealed that the conversation actually took place between a girl and a boy in which the girl used the name — Siddharth. Using the fake identity, the girl suggested a plan to the other juvenile to sexually assault her, police said.
   She wanted to check his character, the officer added. However, the juvenile boy declined to participate in any such plan and stopped further communication with the girl, the DCP added. The boy then took a screenshot of the conversation and sent it to his friends, including the juvenile girl. One of the recipients of the screenshot posted it as an Instagram story from where it went viral. When screenshots from Bois Locker Room started circulating on social media, the alleged Snapchat conversation also got mixed with those chats. However, police said no case will be registered against the girl or the boy because of them being juveniles.

My Opinion

Where are those pseudo-feminist now? Who were so aggresive against the members of Bois Locker Room? Why are they silent now? Why are not they demanding punishment for those girls too like they were demanding for boys?And it is clearly proved that thereference of 'gang rape' was not made by a boy, it was made by a girl using a fake name of 'Siddharth". I am not supporting those boys, i am just saying, if a 15 year juvenile boy can be arrested then why not girls ?Is this equality, these so called feminist want? Why laws are very biased towards women?
I don't support neither those boys nor those girls. Because both boys and girls are equally involved in this controversy. So punishment should be given to both equally, not to a particular gender only. But it should be kept in mind that, punishment should be in such a way that it makes them realise the mistake they have done instead of destroying their lives. Since the day all this controversy took place, only the boys were blamed and accused while girls were equally responsible for it. 

Why such incidents happend? Why the teenagers are becoming sexually active?

Today's generations are becoming sexually aggressive. They are not able to differentiate between what is right and what it is wrong. They are exposed to highly sexually active materials through movies, books,internet, music, T.V. etc. In today's world Sex is very common, be it in movies, be it in web series, music videos, books etc. Sex is being widely used everywhere to attract the audience specially the teenager ones. Now it has become a fashion of doing adult comedy by the comedians. They think it is cool and will attract the audience. Do they know, how harmful it is for the society specially for our youth? Since movies, tv, web series and books has a lot of influence youth, while coming across adult contents on these, our youth becomes influence and consider it cool. And they starts watching porn and adult contents and becomes addicted to it. Of course there are many biological reasons behind it. But more often or not, all the points  i have mentioned above, Why teenagers are becoming sexually active and aggressive. It needs to be stopped as soon as possible. Parents need to talk with their children and should behave with them like a friend and should help the children in differentiating what is right and what is wrong. Sex education must be made compulsory in every school and colleges so to make the students aware about their sexual and reproductive right,gender equality, importance of consent and boundaries to make decisions about their health and sexuality.

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